My PCOS Story

A topic I’ve been wanting to write about since a year and a half, but never ended up doing it!

Won’t beat around the bush, let’s get straight to the point.

Ps. Can be a little too TMI for some, you’ve been warned. ⚠️

Okay, so I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian disease at the age of 11.

Was on medication from 11-19.

Age 19, I decided to quit all those drugs, literally put it in the trash and that was the last time I had them.

I was obese, weighing 64 kgs back then, I’m 42 now.

I never got my periods naturally up until
1. I quit the medication
2. I started to lose weight

And when I say I never got them naturally, let me tell you, my first ever period was induced (a pill) at the age of 15. I was to take those hormone altering tablets to get my periods every 3-6 months. Again, the flow only showed up because of those pills, they were not real periods, just altered hormones causing the cycle.

Moving on, I suffered and suffered and I can’t even describe it (because imagine not getting your flow for 6 months, and then it shows up, how heavy is it going to be?) until I decided, enough is enough.

I changed my diet, threw all the tablets and never looked back.
I got my very first natural periods within the first month of losing weight, less than 4 kgs loss and the periods were there. First time.

And, it’s been regular ever since.

Now? I forget I’m on my flow sometimes, because there is no cramps, no discomfort, no mood swings, no cravings, no hindrance whatsoever.

PS. I actually tend to look forward to them..

And that is it! My PCOS story! ♥️

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